Top Comic Book Characters IV

25 She-Hulk:   The Hulk is in many ways a sad creature. He’s lost his career and is on the run from the government, the woman he loves can’t be with him. Not She-Hulk, his cousin. She revels in being a hulk. The happy, playful beauty uses her alter ego to make her life more fulfilled.

26 Robin: Parents lost in an accident, he grows up in luxury by day and as a partner in crime fighting by night. What’s neat about this guy is that he doesn’t have this need to avenge his parents like his mentor does. That leaves him free to develop social skills and be likeable. The Teen Titans are his creation, something Batman could never manage.

27 Abe Sapien: A geek that looks like an alien. It’s an interesting thought, but you wouldn’t think it had much for legs. Not so this character. With his university manner and sharp quips he is one of the more appealing aspects of the Hellboy franchise.  I think it’s kind of funny that the sidekick is in many way more interesting than the main character.

28 Spike: Starting as a joke vampire, the character killed two slayers, was lover to a third, and sacrificed himself Christ-style so that all the slayers could survive. How he went from wanting to kill Buffy, to living without being able to touch a human, and then fighting to have a soul makes him one of the best developed comic characters I’ve ever seen.

29 Lex Luthor: The quintessential evil scientist, Lex has been around for almost as long as Superman. His knowledge of technology may be well behind the Kryptonians, but he is smarter than his nemesis and a whole lot craftier. Lex has no superpowers and has no martial arts training. When he goes up against the greatest hero of them all he has nothing but his mind. How cool is that?

30 Angel: Gorgeous, tortured, and ageless. In his previous life he was pitiless and extremely creative in how he tortured his victims. Given a soul, he is a champion of justice and all that. His story of redemption makes him interesting, but his snarky way of dealing with enemies and allies alike make him a lot alike. The series ended with an amazing battle about to start. I’d like to watch that play out. And see if he gets the dragon.

31 Mystique: Imagine having the ability morph into anyone. I don’t mean being a Tyrannosaurus Rex or a mouse like Beastboy, but then again she can be anyone. Imagine the possibilities for espionage. Now imagine that character with a chip on her shoulder, and totally convicted. There are some tremendously powerful characters in the Marvel universe, but she’s the scariest.

About Cian Beirdd

I live with my kitty, and encourage his tuna and catnip addictions. I have a website as well;
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